Monday, November 3, 2008

Major Case Study – Movie Review

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe an individual(s) who is struggling with abnormality. The story may be fiction or non-fiction. To potentially receive a high grade, the focus of your paper will be on the individual, not on the plot or theme of the movie. In some rare cases, the focus of the movie review paper may be on a faulty mental health or family "system."

1. Focus on the individual:

A. What do you observe about the person, their thoughts, feelings, behaviors?
B. According to the definition(s) presented in both lecture and the texts, is this person acting abnormal?
What are their difficulties?
C. Is a diagnosis given in the film? Is it correct? How was it made? How would you alter the diagnosis?
What do you think the diagnosis is?
D. What are the primary, predisposing, or precipitating causes of their disturbance?
E. How does their history relate to the disturbance?
F. Take a particular model of causality (e.g. biological, psychodynamic) and apply it to this case.

2. Focus on the environment:

A. Are there any environmental influences that you believe are influential to the person's disturbance?
(e.g. the era, the institution, the dysfunctional family, the therapist's practice)
B. Does the movie accurately portray the person? Or, do you believe the case is distorted by
C. How do others respond to this person? Focus on both mental health professionals and family
D. If treatment was given, was it helpful, harmful?
E. What do you believe would have helped the person improve/change?

3. Do A Client Map

These are just some questions to ask yourself. Be creative. Each movie, each story is different and should provide a different focus to your paper. Work from your own experience and current
knowledge base. Do not feel that you have to do "research." To potentially receive a high grade, you should not simply answer the above questions, but rather address your main character with these prompting questions in your mind.

Remember to write clearly and in a well-organized manner.

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